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small capacity

автобус малой вместимости - оптимальный комплект.png

The kit for a small bus includes: 1. 4-channel video recorder (online): - for 1 256 GB SD card (if the bus operates less than 128 hours per month); - for 2 SD cards up to 256 GB each (if the bus operates from 128 to 256 hours per month); - for a 1 TB hard drive (if the bus operates more than 256 hours per month); 2. Video cameras with extension cables from the video recorder to the locations (cameras and cables must also be certified as part of the system in accordance with paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969), which must monitor: the driver and his workplace with the engine capture in case of smoke (a critically important element of the vehicle), as well as the interior and all passenger doors, including spare doors (if any). Total, at least 2 video cameras. Passenger carriers usually additionally install a traffic monitoring camera (without IR illumination, to eliminate glare from the windshield at night) and an additional camera for viewing the interior of the bus. It is desirable that all video cameras have a built-in microphone for synchronous recording and analysis of possible conflict or emergency situations. 3. Storage medium (SD cards or hard drive HDD or SSD). When choosing the storage medium volume, it is necessary to proceed from the recording parameter - 1 GB per hour for each video camera, multiplied by the maximum number of hours of vehicle operation during the month. The use of progressive compression of H.265 video recordings, which allows additional saving of space occupied by video recordings on the storage medium (the option of choosing which is present in the M2Media-1080p video recorders), is currently prohibited by law by Government Resolution No. 969 (subparagraph c) of paragraph 41). If the vehicle operates more than 256 hours per month (more than 8 hours per day every day), then a video recorder even with two SD cards of 256 GB each will not work for a system of two cameras. In this case, a recorder that supports a hard drive is required. 4. Software certified as part of the system in accordance with paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969 for viewing, analytics, remote downloading and transferring data from the vehicle of the OTB OTI. 5. Communication and notification system certified in accordance with Government Resolution No. 969.

Small Bus Kit

автобус средней вместимости - минимальный комплект.png

medium capacity

The composition of the kit for a medium-capacity bus: 1. 4-channel video recorder (online) for a 1 TB hard drive (if the bus operates more than 256 hours per month); 2. Video cameras with extension cables from the video recorder to the locations (cameras and cables must also be certified as part of the system in accordance with paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969), which must monitor: the driver and his workplace with the engine capture in case of smoke (a critically important element of the vehicle), as well as the passenger compartment and all passenger doors, including spare doors (if any). In total, at least 3 video cameras. Passenger carriers usually additionally install a camera to monitor the traffic situation on the bus (without IR illumination, to eliminate glare from the windshield at night), as well as an additional on-board camera to view the cabin. In this case, it is desirable that all video cameras have a built-in microphone for synchronous recording and analysis of possible conflict or emergency situations. 3. Storage medium (HDD or SSD). When choosing the storage medium volume, it is necessary to proceed from the recording parameter - 1 GB per hour for each video camera, multiplied by the maximum number of hours of vehicle operation during the month. The use of progressive compression of H.265 video recordings, which allows additional saving of space occupied by video recordings on the storage medium (the option of choosing which is present in the M2Media-1080p video recorders), is currently prohibited by law by Government Resolution No. 969 (subparagraph c) of paragraph 41). If the vehicle operates more than 256 hours per month (more than 8 hours per day every day), then a video recorder even with two SD cards of 256 GB each will not be suitable for a system of two cameras. In this case, a recorder that supports a hard drive is required. 4. Certified software as part of the system in accordance with paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969 for viewing, analyzing, remotely downloading and transmitting data from the TS OTB OTI. 5. Communication and notification system certified in accordance with Government Resolution No. 969.

Medium Bus Kit

large capacity

автобус большой вместимости - минимальный комплект.png

The composition of the kit for a large-capacity bus: 1. 4-8-channel video recorder (online) for a 1 TB hard drive (if the bus operates more than 256 hours per month); 2. Video cameras with extension cables from the video recorder to the locations (cameras and cables must also be certified as part of the system in accordance with paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969), which must monitor: the driver and his workplace with the engine in case of smoke (a critically important element of the vehicle), as well as the passenger compartment and all passenger doors, including spare doors (if any). In total, at least 3 video cameras. Passenger carriers usually additionally install a camera to monitor the traffic situation on the bus (without IR illumination, to eliminate glare from the windshield at night), as well as an additional on-board camera to view the cabin. In this case, it is desirable that all video cameras have a built-in microphone for synchronous recording and analysis of possible conflict or emergency situations. 3. Storage medium (HDD or SSD). When choosing the storage medium volume, it is necessary to proceed from the recording parameter - 1 GB per hour for each video camera, multiplied by the maximum number of hours of vehicle operation during the month. The use of progressive compression of H.265 video recordings, which allows additional saving of space occupied by video recordings on the storage medium (the option of choosing which is present in the M2Media-1080p video recorders), is currently prohibited by law by Government Resolution No. 969 (subparagraph c) of paragraph 41). If the vehicle operates more than 256 hours per month (more than 8 hours per day every day), then a video recorder even with two SD cards of 256 GB each will not be suitable for a system of two cameras. In this case, a recorder that supports a hard drive is required. 4. Certified software as part of the system in accordance with paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969 for viewing, analyzing, remotely downloading and transmitting data from the TS OTB OTI. 5. Communication and notification system certified in accordance with Government Resolution No. 969.

Kit for large capacity buses

Опасный груз - минимальный комплект.png


Minimum set, required by the legislation for transport carrying dangerous goods under ADR: 1. 4-channel online video recorder (must be certified as part of the system according to paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969) supporting a hard drive or SD cards - with provision of data transfer to the ATP and regulatory authorities. Many carriers, even before the registration of the new Law, were equipped with online video recorders with a 4G module for online viewing and remote uploading of records, a GLONASS/GPS module for linking video recordings to the coordinates and speed of the vehicle, a warning and communication module. This functionality significantly improves driver discipline, and also allows for remote monitoring and analysis of various emergency situations, increasing the safety and transparency of transportation). 2. Video cameras with extension cables from the video recorder to the places of installation (cameras and cables must also be certified as part of the system according to paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969), which must monitor: the driver and his workplace (in the cabin), as well as the transported cargo (on the roof of the cabin, turned towards the tank). In total, at least 2 video cameras. Carriers of dangerous goods usually additionally install a camera to monitor the traffic situation (without IR illumination, to eliminate glare from the windshield at night), as well as an additional on-board camera (two cameras are placed on the roof of the vehicle in the corners, monitoring the filling and dispensing of fuel). If the number of cameras is more than 2, then it is better to choose a video recorder with a hard drive of up to 2 TB, since it is necessary to fulfill an important requirement of the Law - storing video recordings for the last 30 days. 3. Storage medium (SD cards or hard drive HDD or SSD). When choosing the storage volume, it is necessary to proceed from the recording parameter - 1 GB per hour for each video camera, multiplied by the maximum number of hours of vehicle operation during the month. The use of progressive compression of H.265 video recordings, which allows additional saving of space occupied by video recordings on the storage medium (the option of choosing which is present in the M2Media-1080p video recorders), is currently prohibited by law by Government Resolution No. 969 (subparagraph c) of paragraph 41). If the vehicle operates more than 256 hours per month (more than 8 hours per day every day), then a video recorder even with two SD cards of 256 GB each will not be suitable for a system of two cameras. In this case, a recorder that supports a hard drive is required. 4. Certified as part of the system in accordance with paragraphs 21-31, 41-43 of Resolution No. 969 software for viewing, analyzing, remotely uploading and transmitting data from the OTB OTI vehicle. 5. Communication and notification system certified in accordance with Government Resolution No. 969. The optimal (according to carriers) set consists of: - video recorder "M2Media-1080p" for a hard drive (preferably online - with GPS / GLONASS + 4G modules), - video cameras "M2Media-AHD" in the required quantity: 1 - for the driver with a built-in microphone inside the vehicle; 2 - on the road (additional, optional) - course micro camera with a wide viewing angle - inside the vehicle; 3.4 - on-board on the roof along the edges of the cabin towards the tank with coverage of the filling and dispensing of fuel; - extension cables (of the required length from the recorder to the video cameras); - hard drive (size 2.5 inches, consumption preferably

CCTV kit for dangerous goods

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